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Production and packing of the meat products




22,70 – 27,20 PLN/hour net

Salary for students

30,50 PLN/hour


550 PLN/month


– work in the meat cutting department, separating bones from meat;
– cleaning, sorting and packing meat;
– packing, wrapping and labeling.

The company has been operating since 1991. It has proven itself well in Poland and abroad. The company’s main specialization is turkey cutting and butchering. Work that does not require special skills and experience in a specially equipped production facility. We deduct 200 PLN from the first salary for a medical certificate.


22,70 – 27,20 PLN/hour;
more than 170 hours – 23,70 PLN net per hour;
over 230 hours – 24,70 PLN net per hour;
fillet carving 27,20 PLN per hour;

there are bonuses for quality and speed of work, from 200 to 1000 PLN per month;
For students: 30,50 PLN/hour net;
Advances can be taken before the first paycheck.


550 PLN/month – deducted from the salary;

Work schedule:

2 breaks of 10-15 minutes each
5 working days/2 days off.


diligence and discipline
responsibility and ability to work in a team


we accept applications based on the biometrics, visa, residence card, and voivodship visa;
fully legal employment;
we prepare an invitation for crossing the border using biometrics;
preparing an invitation for a 1-year visa;
assistance in applying for a temporary residence permit (karta czasowego pobytu) in Poland.

WORK TIME Zielona Góra Sp. Z. o. o

KRS: 001023459

NIP: 9731091683