
Peeling and packing vegetables

City: Mochy (14 km from Wolsztyn)

Accommodation: 400 zł;

Salary: 21,50 PLN/hour;

Type of work: we invite employees to a factory for processing and preparing vegetables.

Work schedule:

  • 12 hours a day, starting at 06:00 am, without night shifts
  • two breaks: 20 minutes and 15 minutes
  • only daytime shifts
  • an average of 230 hours per month; those who are willing to work more can take up to 260 hours per month.


  • The factory specializes in the processing and preparation of vegetables, including onions, carrots and potatoes.


  • cleaning the feathers from the bulb;
  • cleaning the bulb from large scales;
  • cleaning the work area;
  • sorting by size;
  • packing potatoes, carrots and onions in nets and vacuum packs;
  • packing;
  • labeling.


  • Performance;
  • Accuracy;
  • Discipline;
  • Strong sense of responsibility.


  • we accept applications based on the biometrics, visa, residence card, and voivodship visa;
  • fully legal employment;
  • we prepare an invitation for crossing the border using biometrics;
  • preparing an invitation for a 1-year visa;
  • assistance in applying for a temporary residence permit (karta czasowego pobytu) in Poland.