Workers to pick lettuce leaves

City: Sława


  • free; 
  • in a good hostel with all the amenities, from 3 to 5 people in a room;
  • couples live separately.


  • 25,00 PLN/hour;
  • new employees can receive advances up to their first salary;

Type of work: picking lettuce leaves in the field.

Work schedule:

  • work in one shift 06:00-14:00;
  • you can take more working hours;


  • If the weather is bad, work in the workshop;
  • Free hot lunches for those who work more than 9 hours;
  • The work is not complicated and does not require special skills and experience;


  • collecting and sorting lettuce leaves in the field.
  • packing and labeling


  • diligence and discipline
  • responsibility and ability to work in a team


  • we accept applications based on the biometrics, visa, residence card, and voivodship visa;
  • fully legal employment;
  • we prepare an invitation for crossing the border using biometrics;
  • preparing an invitation for a 1-year visa;
  • assistance in applying for a temporary residence permit (karta czasowego pobytu) in Poland.