Preparation of wooden elements for furniture

City: Zbąszyń (80 км від м. Poznań)


  • 500 PLN/month
  • 2 people per room, rooms for couples are available.
  • close to work – a 20-minute walk.


  • 20.80 PLN/hour + 300 PLN attendance bonus from Monday to Friday;
  • 41.60 PLN/hour on Saturday on a reduced schedule for those who wish;
  • payment from the first working day;
  • new employees can receive advances until their first paycheck;

Type of work: we offer you work in a warm workshop for the preparation of wooden elements for the manufacture of furniture

Work schedule:

  • 12 hours in two shifts, day/night;
  • From 06:00 to 18:00, 18:00 to 06:00;
  • Breaks of 30 and 15 minutes in the day shift, 15 and 30 minutes in the night shift.
  • Days off 2 days a week, you can take extra hours.
  • Basically, the schedule is 5 days on/2 days off.


  • Free work clothes, coffee, tea, water.
  • Support from a coordinator and assistance with the process of legalization in Poland.
  • Lunches with compensation from the worker (5 zł, optional).



  • checking the wooden boards for defects and damage during transportation or processing;
  • wiping the boards from dust and cleaning from dirt;
  • packing the products in boxes and on pallets, preparing for shipment.


  • loading and unloading boards into and out of pallets;
  • sanding and sorting of boards;
  • foiling boards, transporting to processing machines.
  • servicing woodworking machines.


  • good physical condition and eyesight.
  • experience is not required, we will teach everything.
  • employees from 18 to 60 years old.


  • we accept applications based on the biometrics, visa, residence card, and voivodship visa;
  • fully legal employment;
  • we prepare an invitation for crossing the border using biometrics;
  • preparing an invitation for a 1-year visa;
  • assistance in applying for a temporary residence permit (karta czasowego pobytu) in Poland.